You may submit technical questions through any of the following support lines:
The Benefit portal at
24/7 telephone support at +1 (855) 855-7756
Via email at
How Technical Questions are Handled
Support for product specific and task-oriented questions allows us to assist you in installation, operation, and overall understanding of our products. We may direct you towards product specific documentation, available publications, or provide you with a direct answer in any of the following areas:
Usage (User Guides)
Compatibility / Interoperability
Technical References
Assistance with Interpretation
Configuration Samples
Planning information for fixes
While Benefit Support strives to provide the best possible support for you and your organization, there are areas that fall beyond the scope of the support contract, including:
Customizing code for a client
Troubleshooting code not supported by Bunch
Interpretation of customer or third party generated reports
Extensive troubleshooting of custom configurations
Data or Database recovery